西瓜播放器 HTML5 video video.js 播放器 HTML5播放器 mp4 hls hls.js flv flv.js dash dash.js 无缝切换




├── src          # source
│   ├── lang     # i18n
│   ├── plugin   # Plugin tool class, including two plugin basic classes BasePlugin and Plugin, as well as pluginsManager(plugin registration management tool) and hook decorator hooksDescriptor
│   ├── plugins  # All built-in plugins
│   ├── presets  # All built-in presets
│   ├── style  # CSS
│   └── utils  # Basic tools,like Util/Sniffer/Logger etc.
│   ├── defaultConfig.js  # Default configuration list for player
│   ├── player.js  # Player facade object
│   ├── proxy.js  # MediaElement Proxy
│   ├── stateClassMap.js   # Enumerated list of css class names related to status
│   ├── events.js   # Events Enumeration
│   ├── index.js   # Es/lib rollup entrance
│   ├── index_umd.js  # umd rollup entrance
└── types     # d.ts dir
├── dist      # umd dir
├── es        # esm dir,keeping import,support tree-shaking
├── scripts   # rollup js,include css bundle、d.ts etc.